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Foothill Trunk Sewer Replacement Project

Project Overview

SPMUD is planning to replace approximately 2,275-feet of 12-inch sewer gravity pipe with a larger pipeline, to provide sufficient capacity to accommodate anticipated flows and limit the risk of a sewer overflow.  The project will begin just north of the intersection of El Don Drive and Corona Circle and head west.  The pipeline will cross Aguilar Road near the intersection of Arrowhead Drive and will terminate at an existing sewer pipeline near Secret Ravine.  The project team has finished the design of the project and is awaiting receipt of the necessary permits.  Construction of the Foothill Sewer Trunk is planned for the 2020 construction season. 

Project Benefits


The proposed replacement sewer line will be either in the same alignment as or parallel to the existing sewer line or will be along a new alignment to minimize environmental concerns (i.e., lessening the chance of sewer discharging into the nearby creek).  The existing 12-inch diameter gravity sewer trunk line was constructed in the early 1970s.  The original design limits the capacity of this portion of the sewer trunk system, essentially creating a bottleneck.  This project will improve the flow characteristics to accommodate existing and planned development for the eastern portion of the SPMUD service area.

Project Funding

The project will be paid for by SPMUD and is funded by the participation fees collected from new connections and will not affect monthly sewer rates.

Project Related Documents

Final Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration

Improvement Plans

Project Timeline

Construction of the Foothill Sewer Trunk is planned for the 2020 construction season. 

What to Expect

Sewer service to properties served by the existing pipeline will not be disrupted during the construction of the new pipeline.  A majority of the construction will occur outside of the public right-of-way.  However, when working in the street, the contractor will develop and implement traffic control plans to provide access during the workday and cover all trenches at the end of the workday.  The contractor will notify and coordinate with law enforcement, emergency service providers, and other services prior to the start of construction to ensure minimal disruption of service during construction.

Frequently Asked Questions

View frequently asked questions about the Foothill Trunk Replacement Project. 

Questions Regarding this Project

Carie Huff, SPMUD Project Manager
Phone:  (916) 786-8555; 321    Email:

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