How are we doing?
Would you like to tell us how we are doing? Please complete our Customer Service Survey. We welcome hearing from you!
Complaint/Compliment Process
As a community member of SPMUD you are entitled to file a complaint against the District. Also use this process to let us know how we are doing. We are committed to providing top-quality public service. Any suggestions you have will assist us in serving you better.

Information required to file a complaint
The following will be helpful; however, if you do not have all of this information, you may still file a complaint:
- Date, time and location of the incident/problem.
- Employee’s name if applicable.
Ways to file
A complaint or compliment may be made:
- using our complaint/comment form below
- by phone at (916) 786-8555
- in person at the SPMUD offices located at:
5807 Springview Drive, Rocklin CA 95677
What happens next?
The Board of Directors desires that public complaints are resolved at the lowest possible effective administrative level. A public complaint is an allegation by a member of the public of a violation or misinterpretation of a District policy, state, or federal statute of which the individual has been adversely affected. The process for resolving complaints shall be as follows:
1. The individual with a complaint shall first discuss the matter with the Administrative Services Manager with the objective of resolving the matter informally.
2. If the individual registering the complaint is not satisfied with the disposition of the complaint by the Administrative Services Manager, it shall be forwarded to the General Manager.
3. If the individual filing the complaint is not satisfied with the disposition of the matter by the General Manager, he/she may request consideration by the Board of Directors by filing said request in writing within twenty (20) calendar days of receiving the General Manager’s decision. The Board may then consider the matter at its next regular meeting or call a special meeting.
File a Complaint with the Placer County Grand Jury
Any private citizen, city or county official or employee may ask the Grand Jury to investigate a complaint about an agency within the Grand Jury’s jurisdiction. All complaints must be submitted in writing. The Grand Jury complaint form is available through the office of the Superior Court Executive or from the Grand Jury.