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Specifications and Ordinances

 Standard Specifications and Improvement Standards for Sanitary Sewers

Complete Specifications (full version)

Section 1 – General Requirements and Procedures
Section 2 – Materials
Section 3 – Design
Section 4 – Wastewater Pump Station
Section 5 – Installation
Section 6 – Easements and Rights of Way
Section 7 – Building Sewers
Section 8 – Standard Drawings


South Placer Municipal Utility District Sewer Code

SPMUD Sewer Code Full Version (Chapters 1-5)

Chapter 1 – General Provisions

Chapter 2 – Sewer Use

Chapter 3 – Fats, Oils & Grease

Chapter 4 – Credit & Reimbursement Agreements

Chapter 5 – Encroachments On District Easements & Right of Way


All District Ordinances

A complete Library of the District's Adopted Ordinances is available on the website. 

Ordinance 23-01 Monthly Service ChargesOrdinance 23-02 Sewer Capacity Charges

The South Placer Municipal Utility District (SPMUD) adopted Ordinances #23-01 and #23-02 at its board meeting held on June 1, 2023.

Regional Capacity Charges also collected by SPMUD shall be adjusted annually in conformance with the recommendation in South Placer Wastewater Authority Resolution No. 2008-01, and any amendment thereto.

Implementation DateSPMUD Sewer Capacity Charge

View Frequently Asked Questions about the District's Capacity Charge


SPMUD FY24/25 Fee Schedule - Adopted by Resoltuion #24-14 effective July 1, 2024SPMUD FY23/24 Fee Schedule - Adopted by Resolution #23-20 effective July 1, 2023SPMUD FY22/23 Fee Schedule - Adopted by Resolution #22-22 effective July 1, 2022 


SPMUD FY24/25 Fine Schedule - Adopted by Resolution #24-15 effective July 1, 2024SPMUD FY23/24 Fine Schedule - Adopted by Resolution #23-33 effective September 7, 2023
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