Foothill Trunk Sewer Replacement Project FAQs
How did SPMUD determine the pipeline alignment?
The proposed sewer line will be either in the same alignment as or parallel to the existing sewer line or will be along a new alignment to minimize environmental concerns to lessen the chance of discharging into the nearby creek.
Who was consulted during the preparation of the plans and specifications for the project?
Many public and resource agencies were consulted during the preparation of the construction drawings for the pipeline replacement. These include, but are not limited to:
- United States Army Corps of Engineers
- State Historic Preservation Office
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- California Department of Fish and Wildlife
- National Marine Fisheries Service
- Placer County Air Pollution Control District
- Regional Water Quality Control Board
- City of Rocklin
- State Water Resources Control Board
- United Auburn Indian Community
An Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Foothill Trunk Replacement Project was adopted in May 2015. The IS/MND Mitigation measures are identified and incorporated into the proposed project and contract documents to reduce potential impacts to less-than-significant levels. The IS/MND also identifies several mitigation measures that are required to reduce potentially significant impacts to levels that are less than significant. This Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP) describes a program for ensuring that the construction measures and additional mitigation measures are implemented in conjunction with the proposed project. In addition to the measures identified herein, permitting agencies, such as the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, have identified additional measures to implement as part of the permits they issue, and those measures have been implemented in conjunction with the proposed project and monitored to ensure implementation. A cultural resource specialist for the United Auburn Indian Community, along with biologists and archeologists will be onsite during portions of construction. Monitoring and reporting requirements are identified in the respective permits.
What about the trees located within the project area?
Trees located within SPMUD’s easement and construction area will be removed to accommodate the construction of the sewer line. Some additional trees may need to be trimmed to accommodate large construction equipment. SPMUD has secured the services of an arborist to consult during the trimming process.
For protected trees within the project area, SPMUD secured an Oak Tree Removal Permit with the City of Rocklin and coordinated with property owners.
What about noise and workdays?
SPMUD has planned the project and is working with the contractor to minimize potential impacts on residents and customers. Construction activities do create temporary inconveniences which may include temporary road closures, traffic delays, construction noise. Typical construction noise is anticipated and will comply with the City of Rocklin’s noise ordinance and be limited to the hours of 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday through Friday. No work is allowed on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays unless specifically approved.
I live near the project; what can I expect regarding traffic control?
The project will begin at the Creekside Village Apartments and head east to the intersection of El Don Drive and Corona Circle. The pipeline will cross Aguilar Road near the intersection of Arrowhead Drive
and continue up Arrowhead and through existing easements, crossing El Don. The pipeline will be installed primarily using open-cut construction. Construction activities do create temporary inconveniences which may include temporary road closures and traffic delays traffic. A traffic control plan has been prepared to ensure that residents have vehicular access to their homes.
Who do I contact for questions regarding this project?
Carie Huff, SPMUD Project Manager
Phone: (916) 786-8555; 321 Email: