Cost of Service Study for Wastewater Rates and Capacity Fees
Cost of Service Study
In July of 2022, the District awarded a contract to IB Consulting, LLC to conduct a Wastewater Rate and Capacity Fee Study. The Board of Directors conducted two public workshops, on January 12, and February 2, 2023, to discuss the findings and recommendations of the Wastewater Cost-of-Service Rate Study and to gather Board and public input. This input has been incorporated into the attached study.
Wastewater Cost of Service Study
Wastewater Rates
The current wastewater rate of $36/month has been in effect since July 1, 2019. IB Consulting has determined that the current rate does not provide sufficient revenues to fund necessary operations, maintenance, and regulatory programs, as well as capital investment and reserves to meet the utility’s stated needs. A Public Hearing was held on May 4, 2023, to consider the adoption of the proposed increases to rates for wastewater utility services. The second reading and adoption of the proposed Ordinance was held on June 1, 2023.
Proposition 218 Notice01/12/2023 Presentation Long-Term Financial Plan Workshop02/02/2023 Board Report Cost of Service Study03/02/2023 Accepting the Wastewater Cost of Service Rate Study & Authorizing a Prop 218 Notice to Property OwnersOrdinance #23-01 Relating to Monthly Service Charges
Capacity Fee Study
The District hosted a public workshop to discuss the Local Capacity Fee on April 6, 2023. The Capacity Fee is collected when additional Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU) connect to the sewer collection system and is used to fund necessary system expansions and enlargements due to development. A Public Hearing was held on May 4, 2023, to consider the adoption of the proposed Capacity Fee. The second reading and adoption of the proposed Ordinance was held on June 1, 2023.
04/06/2023 Presentation Capacity FeesSewer Capacity Fee StudyOrdinance #23-02 Establishing Sewer Participation ChargesView Frequently Asked Questions about the District's Capacity Charge